A couple of performance related topics seem to catch my attention lately. It concerns questions about the choice of using a website versus web application project type, reducing the memory usage of the application pools and speeding up the continuous integration build speed. My plan is to post a couple of blogs in the next couple of months to help you understand the requirements and provide you with practical tips that you can start using today.
Let’s start with a great tip from fellow Kentico MVP Brian McKeiver who blogged: “Speed Up Your Kentico Debugging in Visual Studio”. The post guides you through some settings in Visual Studio to turn off compilation of the website before it runs. This is extremely beneficial when working with the website project type and I recommend you to use it as well.
In addition I always recommend Kentico developers to: “choose your modules wisely”. This reduces the number of project files, saves disk space and results in faster build times. Using the Kentico Installer it’s easy peasy to unselect modules and exclude them from the installation. The screenshots below shows you the difference between a blank site with all modules (8.745 files, 220MB) and a blank site with a selection of the most common modules (6.134 files, 178MB). Makes sense to reconsider this right?

For those of you that haven’t done this during the initial installation: don’t worry! The Kentico Installer has an option to modify existing installations and remove unused modules.