Update: Tips for becoming a certified Kontent developer

Kentico has launched a new developer certification for it's Content as a Service product called Kontent. If you are interested in getting some pointers before taking the leap then you are the right place.

Kontent certified developer exam overview

The online exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions with a single correct anwer to be completed within 40 minutes. You will need a minimum score of 80% to pass the exam. Click here for more info and to access the registration form to sign up for the exam. The certification will take place via the e-learning portal at Learn with Kentico.

Tips to increase your success

Please find below a list of tips that helped me passing my tests:
  1. Make sure that your are rested and relaxed. I prefer to do the test in the morning / afternoon in the weekend and not in the evening or even worse in the night after a day at the office ;)
  2. The exam is platform-agnostic and does not contain any language-specific questions
  3. Login the Kentico Kontent application as you are allowed to use any resource (except discussing with another person)
  4. Open the Kentico Kontent API reference documentation for quick access to the most relevant info
  5. Get familiar with the Kentico Kontent sample applications
  6. Know the terminology e.g. what the difference is between linked items and components
  7. Explore Kentico Kontent's features like environments, workflow, roles and localization
  8. Google is your friend. I prefer to do a search via: site:kenticocloud.com your searchterm here
Feel confident? Then sign up now :) Good luck!