Update: Tips for becoming a certified Xperience developer

It seems like a hot topic at the office these days. Everyone wants to get certified in their specific areas. As my team specializes on development with Kentico, i'd like to help them out by providing my experiences hopefully resulting in a succesfull outcome.


Content migration made easy with Kentico

With almost every project we get the question if it is possible to migrate the existing content from one CMS to another. This can be challenge for the team when large Excel files are delivered containing huge amounts of content, often just a couple of weeks before the new site needs to goes live. Kentico's Import Toolkit makes this chore a piece of cake!


New web.config application settings in Kentico 12

With the release of every new major version, I feel the urge to find new features and especially the ones that are not that visible. I did a quick comparison between the Kentico v11 and v12 web.config application settings and found the following new keys. Time will tell if they will be useful but it's good to take note of their existence.


Claims-based authentication using Azure Active Directory

Did you know Kentico supports Azure Active Directory authentication out-of-the-box? Setting it up is very easy once you know how you can find the required configuration settings. Continue reading to get to the steps.


Why Opt for MVC as Your Primary Development Model

When deciding to develop a website on Kentico, there is an important decision to be made with regards to how it's going to be developed. Basically, there are two options: it can be developed using the portal engine, or MVC. In this blog post you will find some of the reasons for choosing MVC.

Special thanks go out to Dominika Gallot for co-writing this blog post with me.


Kentico 12 MVC widgets in action

Yesterday, at the Kentico Benelux User Group, I showcased the new Kentico MVC widgets feature that will be released with Kentico v12 at the end of this year. I also demonstrated my custom built Kentico Cloud Asset widget and how easy it is to build your own widgets.


Upgrade like a pro

With this post I would like to share my ideas when it comes to upgrading Kentico to the latest version. I believe that upgrading Kentico is a good practice, not only to leverage new features as a developer, marketer or content admin, but also to make sure the software keeps up with the current technology like .NET frameworks, browser support and is up-to-date from a security perspective. This post is not specific to any Kentico version.


Kentico Cloud and .NET Core: a winning combination!

Since the introduction of Kentico Cloud last year at the 404 conference in Las Vegas, I have been eager to start on a real life project. Luckily for me, I recently got the chance to get my hands dirty! With this post I hope to get you excited about the technology and help you kickstart your next .NET Core Kentico Cloud project!


Enabling the Multiple Category Selector in Web Parts

If there is one thing in Kentico that I repeatedly forget, it's the fact that the Multiple Category Selector form control by default only works in documents/pages. Fortunately, it is quite easy to tweak the control to be used within web parts/widgets. This post highlights the code to tweak and provides a nuget package for you to play with.


Connecting the Clouds, A TrueLime Story

Last week I was privileged to present a business case study at the Kentico Roadshow in Amterdam, a one day event showcasing Kentico Cloud and Kentico EMS. In the case study I told the journey of getting our company blog live using the headless CMS Kentico Cloud in combination with ReactJS, hosted on the Microsoft Azure platform. This post highlights the result of our journey.


Help: My custom module classes are not being imported in Kentico

The other day a colleague panicked when his custom module was only partially imported on his co-workers machines. The custom classes were not part of the export package, and he could not figure out what the issue was. While I had encountered this once before, I simply forgot how to fix it. With this post I hope to add the resolution to my long term memory, and ofcourse help everyone who is facing the same issue ;)


How to continuously deploy a ReactJS website to Azure using VSTS

For one of our latest internal projects using Kentico Cloud, we decided to create a ReactJS Single Page Application. While I typically work with Visual Studio and .NET, I found it interesting to explore this new world of JavaScript web magic! This post contains the steps to deploy ReactJS to Azure using a simple build definition in VSTS.


Don't WET the code, initialize your private NuGet repo with VSTS

Ever since we have started growing at TrueLime, it has become harder to keep up with all the cool things our dev teams create. Even though we got the knowledge sharing flowing via chapter meetings and lunch-and-learn sessions, this did not prevent us from the "writing everything twice" concept. In this post I will highlight the steps to get your own NuGet repo up and running.


Adding Docker support to Kentico

With the release of Visual Studio 2017, it has become child's play to add Docker support to your projects. In this post I will be highlighting the steps to add Docker support to a Kentico v10 web application. I will also provide some troubleshooting tips that I encountered in my trip with Docker containers.


How to setup Continuous Deployment using VSTS within minutes

Since last year I have become quite a fan of Visual Studio Online a.k.a. Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). In this post I want to show you how easy you can leverage the VSTS platform and get your continuous deployment pipeline running within minutes.


Upgrade to 10: Page type class not found in the data

Last week I finally finished upgrading my blog to Kentico 10 and moved it to Azure. While the upgrade procedure went pretty smooth, there was one issue that popped up when trying to view items in the content tree.


Hidden gems in Kentico 10

The wait is finally over, Kentico 10 is now available for everyone! As a Kentico MVP I had the privilige to play with some prereleases over the last couple of months. In this post I would like to share my findings with you :)


10 tips to ease deployment

One of the most critical moments in development is when a new website or feature gets pushed to production. In this post I will share with you 10 tips that helped us get our deployment "under control" without having to spend our precious time in evenings and weekends to fix the release.


Quick tip: how to easily enable content filtering for your editors

Almost everytime when I am providing editor training I am being asked if and how it's possible to filter content. In this post I will show you how easy it is to configure custom filters for your content types using alternative forms and achieve extreme fast result.


Help! My Kentico database is corrupt after importing the CI repository

Quite recently, one of our development teams panicked when all of a sudden they were confronted with the Kentico Database Setup wizard. After having a quick look we noticed that the database and contents was still there except the CMS_SettingsKey table which was empty...


Content personafication

Influencing the output of content based on the target audience in Kentico is very easy. This post contains the basics to get you familiar with personas and personalisation using two handy Kentico macros.