Hidden gems in Kentico 10

The wait is finally over, Kentico 10 is now available for everyone! As a Kentico MVP I had the privilige to play with some prereleases over the last couple of months. In this post I would like to share my findings with you :)

Before we begin...

Let me start with a quick recap on the roadmap. The big building blocks of Kentico 10 exists out of the following features: For more information on Kentico 10, please read the post Kentico 10 is here from Kentico's director of product Karol Jarkovsky.

That being said let's head over to my favorite tweaks that ship with Kentico 10:

Search filter in Export/Import

This is one of this tweaks I really enjoy. I sometimes find myself tweaking the pager to be able to find that one new settingskey I created, never realizing it could be so simple if a search filter would be present. Thank you Kentico for this one!
Search filter in export/import

Clearing version history automatically

If you reduce the length of the version history it will automatically clear the versions for objects and pages according to the newly specified limit. This will keep your site nice and clean :)

Object history cleanation

Object type information

Great and useful visualisation of an object with it's hierarchy. Also useful to identify the table in which the data is stored in and if the object supports continuous integration.

Object type information

Mass actions in UniGrid

Developers now have the chance to define their own mass actions (e.g. delete all) within UniGrids. New mass actions in Kentico 10 have been added to the Users and Roles applications.

Mass delete users

Global event log handlers

With Kentico 10 developers will have influence on how the system logs events in the event log. Check out customizing event logging for more info.

Form fields reflect labels in form builder

When dragging/dropping fields in the form builder, the names of the underlying database fields now reflect the text entered in the labels.

Form fields reflect form builder

Modularization improvements

Kentico 10 allows you to apply custom licensing within your custom modules. Kentico market place here we come!

Module licenses

What's next...

The highlighted gems above are just a couple of additions that get my developer juices flowing. For a comprehensive list check out the release notes.

Now it's time to explore and learn the real power of Kentico 10. I am very keen on applying the upgrade to my blog soon and share my experiences with you. Keep an eye out for more posts on Kentico 10 in the very near future.