Quick tip: how to export a media library with files

Exporting stuff in Kentico is super easy if you know your options. Almost every screen or grid provides you with the option to export the desired object. In the case of the media library we not only want the object definition but also the files that are uploaded. Follow the steps below to get the complete set.

  • Step 1: Goto sites and click on the site export button
  • Step 2: ​In the objects selection screen click on the "Deselect all" button
  • Step 3: Disable "Export tasks"
  • Step 4: Disable all tasks underneath "Export files"
Specify the correct export settings
  • Step 5: Goto the "Media libraries" section and select "Export media files" and "Export physical files" followed by the media libraries that you want to export
Select the media library objects
  • Step 6: Hit next and finish.
Enjoy! :)